March 2013

CMA had present 7 set of the newest IMTV Satellite Modulator technology. In, colaboration with PT. Indonesia Media Televisi, CMA had present the new generation DVB-S2,DVB-DSNG, and DVB-S modulator which is specifically designed for broadcast direct-to-home, that is Newtec M6100 Broadcast Satellite Modlulator. Newtec M6100 offering bandwidth efficiency optimization options, which is hard to match by competitors. M6100 is able to lowering overall Total Cost of Ownership. In the other hand, M6100 also featured Equalink pre-distorsion technology which are able to provides up to 10% bandwidth gains. Other technology of the M6100 is Clean Channel Tehcnology that can improve satellite efficiency by up to 15%. At the output of the Broadcast Satellite Modlulator, the signal is available in IF for extended L-band (950 MHz-2150 MHz), so that the M6100 can be easily monitored and controlled via a comprehensive front panel menu, advanced web GUI, command line interface (CLI) as well as via SNMP protocol. This enables easy integration into any industry standart EMS/NMS system.

CMA telah menerapkan teknologi IMTV Satellite Modulator terbaru. Bekerjasama dengan PT. Indonesia Media Televisi, CMA menghadirkan generasi baru DVB-S2, DVB-DSNG, dan DVB-S modulator yang dirancang khusus untuk home entertainment, yaitu Newtec M6100 Broadcast Satellite Modulator. Newtec M6100 menawarkan opsi-opsi optimalisasi dan efisiensi bandwidth yang sulit ditandingi oleh kompetitor. M6100 mampu menghemat total biaya yang dikeluarkan. Selain itu, M6100 juga memiliki fitur Equalink pre-distortion technology yang mampu meningkatkan 10% kapasitas bandwidth. Teknologi lainnya dari M6100 adalah Clean Channnel Technology yang dapat meningkatkan efisiensi satelit hingga 15%. Sinyal dari modulator ini tersedia pada IF ataupun extended L-band (950Mhz-2150Mhz), sehingga M6100 ini dapat memberikan solusi yang kompak dan efektif dalam hal biaya. Proses pengontrolan dan monitoring dapat dengan mudah dilakukan lewat konsep tata muka yang komprehensif, interaktif web GUI, command line interface (CLI), dan juga SNMP protocol yang mempermudah pengkoneksian dengan sistem yang berstandar industri sekelas EMS/NMS system.

